Saturday, February 9, 2008

How much, you secure at Cyber Cafe while surfing?

Internet, the medium today we use most. The World become too small to click. A single click move all around the world in second. It becomes possible due to the technology and we know better "is the technology boon or bane". If we use for good resultant will be best, but we use it for bad resultant will be worst. So, morale of story is Internet is now, like radio and televison, available in several house holds. Besides, we always used to go cyber cafe for surfing.

Do you have the answer of following questions, before going to a Cyber Cafe:
  • Do you know, a Cyber Cafe is how much secure for you?
  • Do your privacy is maintained?
  • Your ID's are still secure?
  • Is your information secure?
  • No one is watching your activity?
  • ...?

There are several questions that may arise. Let us take an example of our recent, while posting a letter in a post office, we always been worried about its sucure and damageless delivery. Now our information is travelling via electronic media. Is it secure? No, if we don't follow the protocol by the service provider or information exchange rule. To secure exchange of information we always follow the rules, but if we are work with our own PC. Our PC may have a good applictions and security tools. It will be better if we use Internet at our desk but in a Cyber Cafe, it's like we are inviting worst for us.

The technology beyond expectation makes all impossible to possible. So, my friends be careful while surfing at Cyber Cafe. There may be several programs running in back ground that can do any thing with your information. The programs may be a Keylogger, a Trojan, Scanning Tools, Bypassing Application, and many more which you can't imazine.

Some times your Identity Card may be asked for, to have a terminal in a Cyber Cafe. Then you will be provided a terminal with a Login id and Password to access Internet. Here your all surfing activity is bypassing through their application running on LAN. So, do you feel, there is nothing that harms you trust. After all decision is yours to go Cyber Caffe. I am only revealing the truth behind.

It's good to surf at your desk by own Internet connection. Never use Cyber Cafe, it is not secure, completely your own risk. Say no to Cyber Caffe. Please avoid.

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